Rare & Pediatric Cancer Support
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Donate Your Services

The Rare Cancer Alliance is a totally volunteer organization. Your time and expertise can help reach out to rare cancer and pediatric cancer patients throughout the world.  If you can donate services in one of the following areas, let me know:

Business Services - The services of a non-profit advisor are needed.  If you have previously been involved in the formation of a non-profit organization, we would like you to share your experience and guidance with us.

Flyer Printing and Distribution - Printing out and distributing our flyer to medical facilities, hospitals, and cancer treatment centers can help us to achieve our primary goal of reaching out to the newly diagnosed.  Click on the Print button at the bottom of the flyer page.  Print it out in either black/white or color.

Legal Services - Our organization would like to move forward by applying for Non-Profit status.  We need the services of an attorney who would be willing to donate time and effort to accomplish this.

Media Relations - You can help us to get the word out about our existence, by contacting different aspects of the media and telling them about our organization and what we do.

Research Assistance - We receive many emails asking for information for particular pediatric or rare adult cancers.  We would like to improve the website to include these cancers.  We would appreciate your donations of time doing medical information research or responding to requests.

Translators - Acquiring the services of translators in all languages, other than English, would help us to achieve our goal of helping others in various countries.

Forum Volunteers - Help your fellow cancer survivors by volunteering to be a forum Moderator for any of the rare cancer groups in our forums.

Website Content Development/Maintenance - Website enhancements are an ongoing process.  Help us by making a suggestion for a change/addition; or 'roll up your sleeves' and donate technical help (database, HTML, PHP, SQL, graphics, etc.).