Hi I'm dartbit

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Hi I'm dartbit

Postby dartbit » Mon Oct 13, 2014 11:15 pm

I am a 52 year old single mother of a 16 year old daughter. Her father passed away 7 years ago. Her grandfather passed away 6 1/2 months ago. She is very angry with me. I was the one that was supposed to always be here for her. She has already packed up and moved into a friends house. She said she can't watch me be sick. After hearing what the first Oncologist had to say, she thinks she will be an orphan by 18. The world is so hard for teenagers already, she shouldn't have to deal with this now. I want her to have as much of a normal life as she can. I don't want her stuck being my caregiver.
September 8, 2014 was the worst night of my life. The Pulmonary Doctor called at 5 pm and let me know that I had small-cell carcinoma. He sent me to an Oncologist on 9/10. On 9/11 I had a PET scan. (9/12-15) I had chemotherapy. On 9/16 I had a shot to raise my white blood cells. Then back to the doctor on 9/18. I could have handled it better if it wasn't for the doctors bedside manor. I asked how long and he said 10-12 months. This was at a large teaching hospital. I went to my local hospital for a second opinion and to start therapy out here. What a difference a doctor makes! My Oncologist here feels I am young, healthy and have a positive attitude. He said this will help me go far. I just finished 10 days of radiation today and started another round of chemo on top of that. Two more days of chemo to go then a shot. Doesn't that sound fun!
Prayers, Strenth, and Lots of Humor to all,
Have a great day. Stay positive and laugh often!!

Posts: 2
Joined: Sun Oct 05, 2014 6:59 am
Location: Lawrence, Kansas
Cancer Diagnosis: small-cell carcinoma
Relationship To Patient: Self

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