Moderators - What They Do & How To Apply

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Moderators - What They Do & How To Apply

Postby sharon » Sun Dec 21, 2003 10:39 pm

We welcome those who would like to volunteer to moderate a group.

Moderator responsibilites include:

1. Assume the role of host by welcoming new users to the forum(s) and assisting them, where necessary.

2. Keep the forum(s) viable, active and alive. Through their own participation, they set the tone and style of their respective forum(s).

3. Promote an environment where people can post messages without threat or fear by:
_____a. Keeping disagreements from flaring up into all-out attacks.
_____b. Preventing flaming. Flames are extremely negative or derogatory remarks. A flame war is kind of like a shouting match where insults are hurled between people until they all flee, exhausted and battered. Good moderators gently prod people into posting responsibly by discouraging flaming.
_____c. Letting the administrators know when there is a troublemaker on the forum(s). Moderators may choose to persuade these people to stop, if the offense is minor. But if this fails, they need to contact the administrator(s) so that these people can be removed.

4. Review the posts on their forum(s) to insure that they are of the same subject matter as the board. Off-topic threads should be discouraged quickly; and tactfully moved to other, more appropriate arenas.

5. Delete or edit posts that are a violation of the Forum Rules and Guidelines and report these violations to the Forum Administrator, who may, or may not, remove the member from the forums.

6. If they choose, moderators may also help forum members find research information about their particular cancer diagnosis. This information must be in the form or a link to a credible Cancer website; an excerpt from a research abstract or paper, including a link to the actual document; or an excerpt of a journal article, with publication information (including issue and date) references.

Power and Authority:

1. Delete or edit posts that go against the Forum Rules and Guidelines.

2. Edit posts that contain profane language not caught by our profanity filter, or that are insulting and degrading to fellow board members.

3. Recommend to the Administrator removing a user who is posting spam, inflammatory comments, profanity, acting inappropriately, or disrupting rather than contributing to the forum(s). When such action is appropriate, contact the Administrator with the username and information about the posts involved.

** Note: Randomly deleting large numbers of posts or large portions of content, for no apparent reason other than the moderator disagreeing with the topic at hand, will not be tolerated. The moderator will be relieved of his/her duties and removed from the forum(s), if necessary.

How To Apply:

To apply, contact the administrator(s), with the following information:

1. Which forum(s) you would like to moderate.
2. The hours/days in which you are available, or not available, to moderate the forum(s).
3. What experience you may have and why you believe you would be a good moderator.
Take Care, Sharon - Administrator
This post should not be considered medical advice. Review all information with your doctor.
Forum Administrator
Forum Administrator
Posts: 1460
Joined: Fri Dec 05, 2003 1:33 pm
Location: AZ USA
Cancer Diagnosis: adenoid cystic carcinoma of the breast
Relationship To Patient: Self

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