How do I find where I introduce myself

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How do I find where I introduce myself

Postby annabelle » Thu Jan 05, 2012 3:51 am

Just newly registered but a bit of a computer dinosaur Not sure how to find where I introduce myself Help please Annabelle
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Re: How do I find where I introduce myself

Postby sharon » Fri Jan 06, 2012 2:39 pm

Sorry for the late reply. Lots of phone calls today. You can look at your group's private forums here, Annabelle:

There is an 'Introduce Yourself' topic there. You can click on that topic and then click on the PostReply button to introduce yourself. If you think you need help, just ask for the help in your introduction. There are several Moderators on that group to help you.

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Re: How do I find where I introduce myself

Postby Elle66 » Fri Aug 28, 2020 5:27 pm

Hi. My name's Michelle. In February I started having rectal bleeding with bowel movements. At first I thought it was a hemorrhoid flare up. Then it didn't go away, covid hit & I couldn't get colonoscopy until May 1. The biopsy came back squamous cell carcinoma. More tests & scans followed. They told me it was Stage 2. I started treatment July 6th & finished August 14th. 6 weeks of radiation chemo pills.
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Re: How do I find where I introduce myself

Postby sharon » Sun Aug 30, 2020 9:22 am

Elle66 wrote:Hi. My name's Michelle..
If you repost this in the Anal Cancer forum, you should get a response from people. Do it as a new post. viewforum.php?f=121
Take Care, Sharon - Administrator
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