How To Register & Why

The 'Publicly Viewable' sections of the forums can be viewed by everyone, without having to register or divulge email or personal information. This was done intentionally to enable anyone with a rare cancer to view the information that is available in these forums, since sharing information with other rare cancer patients is our first priority.
If you want to participate in the private forums, or contact others with your cancer, or submit your own information to this group, you will need to register. In order to do that, you will have to divulge your email address and some personal information about your cancer diagnosis and journey thus far. Your email address will be used by the Administrator & Moderator(s) of these forums, only. It will not be sold or distributed to any other organization or enterprise or published on this website. It will remain in a secure, private, database. Other members of these forums will be able to contact you through the forums private message facility only, unless you choose to divulge your email address.
The nature of these forums is one of medical confidentiality. Because of this issue, we have put into place a method of registering that we hope will deter any spammers or game-players. That is why you are asked for validation information in your registration form. Your rare cancer diagnosis will be viewable by all who visit this forum, including the public. But, your validation information will also only be viewable by the Administrator and Moderator(s). This is done to allow them to validate and activate your account and to help you find information pertinent to your circumstances.
Please view all the information in the Welcome area of the forums. It will help you to understand your membership rights and forum policy.
Once you have been validated, we ask that you post a message in the appropriate forum(s) to introduce yourself. If you are looking for others with your cancer or information about your cancer, please use the search facility of the forum to quickly do this. If you have joined to help others or to submit treatment, phyisican, website, or facility information, we want to thank you for volunteering information. It may help to save a person's life one day.
If you want to participate in the private forums, or contact others with your cancer, or submit your own information to this group, you will need to register. In order to do that, you will have to divulge your email address and some personal information about your cancer diagnosis and journey thus far. Your email address will be used by the Administrator & Moderator(s) of these forums, only. It will not be sold or distributed to any other organization or enterprise or published on this website. It will remain in a secure, private, database. Other members of these forums will be able to contact you through the forums private message facility only, unless you choose to divulge your email address.
The nature of these forums is one of medical confidentiality. Because of this issue, we have put into place a method of registering that we hope will deter any spammers or game-players. That is why you are asked for validation information in your registration form. Your rare cancer diagnosis will be viewable by all who visit this forum, including the public. But, your validation information will also only be viewable by the Administrator and Moderator(s). This is done to allow them to validate and activate your account and to help you find information pertinent to your circumstances.
Please view all the information in the Welcome area of the forums. It will help you to understand your membership rights and forum policy.
Once you have been validated, we ask that you post a message in the appropriate forum(s) to introduce yourself. If you are looking for others with your cancer or information about your cancer, please use the search facility of the forum to quickly do this. If you have joined to help others or to submit treatment, phyisican, website, or facility information, we want to thank you for volunteering information. It may help to save a person's life one day.