by Learnthelpthehardway » Wed May 15, 2019 3:46 pm
I was first diagnosed with malignant Phyllode's sarcoma in 1986. My doctor asked if I wanted a lumpectomy or mastectomy as my tumor was very large and at the size to meta assize. I opted for a lumpectomy an radiation treatment for six weeks. The following year, I went to see a doctor as a lump had formed again. They went back in to see if the new lump was malignant and they said it wasn`t. Because of the radiation, my breast after surgery became hard and deformed. In 2004 I went to a plastic surgeon who then underwent numerous surgeries to correct the breast. I ended up having a Tran-Flap surgery. My biggest mistake was not going to an Oncology surgeon in the first place, as the general plastic surgeon had no clue as to why I was getting so much scar tissue. I am sharing this as in 2006 I went into the Moffitt cancer center here in Fl. I had so many surgeries to remove infected mesh that was placed in my left side where they had removed the muscle to make a breast. I had contracted MRSA in the mesh, I had a Pulmonary embolism in the lung, all because I never went to an Oncology surgeon in the first place. I have today massive scar tissue, which if very painful. Sharing this so you do not have e to make the same mistakes as I did. Good luck all. Ros.