clitoris sarcoma

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clitoris sarcoma

Postby michelle.l » Sun Jul 15, 2012 11:51 am


let me intruduce first: My name is Oxana. I am 26 years old and moved to Bosten three years ago from Kiew, Ukrain. A few weeks after this I noticed some changes in my clitoris. But I was new here, had no insurance and just started my new job so I had neither time nor money to see a doctor. So my clitoris grew. I than meet a very nice girl who always asked me to go swimming with her because I told her I was a very good swimmer. But of course, with my swollen clitoris, I did not want to go. I had problems hiding it in my normal life so it would be impossible to hide it in the swimming bath. I finally gave up and told her that I do not want to go because of my englarged clitoris. She than asked me everytime to see a doctor and than, some day, put me in her car and drove me to her doctor. She was shocked when she saw my clitoris. It was as big as an small apple and full of ulcerations and there were about 20 smaller ulcerated tumors around it. She said is looks pretty much like vulvar cancer and as the tumor is very big she predicts a lot of metastases inside my body. She did an ultrasound and told me that the cancer is not only in my clitoris, the same tumor has already infiltrated my vagina, uterus, bladder and rectum. She said she does not mean metastases, she means that there is one large monster tumor eating all these organgs. It looks like an octupus who tries to get his tentakels everywhere inside my body.

Further tests showed that there are already dozens of mets in my lymph system, bones, intestines and lung. All together, more than hundreds of tumors of all sizes, from pinhead to cherry. I was told to have a clitoris cancer in the final stage. I have to wait for the pathology results for the exact classification but there is no doubt that i have vulvar cancer. I was scheduled for a complete computer tomography the next morning to find out all place the cancer has settled down. My doctor told me that my prognosis is very poor. She saw no one live longer than 2 years with an affection like I have. For a complete diagnosis, we have to wait for the ct and pathology results but they will not change the outcome.

One week later, I got my final diagnosis results. My doctor told me that they are much worse than she thought. I have a clitoris sarcoma. It is very rare and in my case malignant an extremly fast growing and the growths in my life important organs are more serious than on her ultra sounds. I should prepare that my cancer could become fatal in a few months. There is nothing they can do for me anymore because the damage to my life important organs is already much too worse and can not be reparaired. I shall go home and enjoy my last weeks.

Thats two and a half month ago now. I am still alive but I feel much worse. I know that my end is coming. But as long as I am alive, I am looking for contacts. I do not want to be alone. But thats what I became in the last weeks. Very few people still talk to me.
Posts: 2
Joined: Sat Jul 14, 2012 11:44 am
Cancer Diagnosis: vulvar cancer in the last stage
Relationship To Patient: Self

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