Our daughter was originally diagnosed in August of 1989 with Clear cell Sarcoma of the left foot (http://mitchalbom.com/d/journalism/3300 ... der-cheers).. An amputation was preformed that same month.
She was diagnosed with mets to the lower left lung in December of 2010. The lung was removed in January of 2011. Genetic testing was done on the tumor and it indeed showed a trans location 12;22 which is the hallmark of true Clear Cell sarcoma.
Thus we began the arduous task of chasing it. Scans at three months post op showed what they thought to be a reactive node. March of 2012 showed same area in a PET and a media steinoscopy was preformed with positive results. She is currently starting a clinical trial at MD Anderson beginning next week in a Level 1 trial to buy some time. She is married and the young mother of 8 & 5 year old boys.