I had felt a small lump inside my cheek for eight months and my regular dentist assured me it was not anything to worry about.It continued to bother me and eventually I had it checked by an oral surgeon. A biopsy was sent to a pathologist at the University of Florida and the result was: a high grade, cribiform tumor in left buccal mucosa, tracking along a branch of the facial nerve. I am very glad I got a second opinion.
I was treated with surgical resection of the tumor (which was about the size of a quarter), focused radiation therapy and Cysplatin chemo-therapy. Post-treatment, I have a loss of hearing, and paralysis of parts of the left side of my face and jaw.
Now, at age 59, I have severe radiation damage to my skin and gums and a loss of mandibular bone density. I also have physical therapy once a week to keep the radiation fibrosis broken up in my jaw muscles. At least I don’t need to shave that side of my face anymore…there is no beard. And I am alive!
I am followed with annual CT scans of my lungs and abdomen and there is no sign of metastatic disease.
I had prostate cancer and surgical removal of my prostate gland in 2008 and I am currently diagnosed with a possibly malignant thickening of the gallbladder wall. I am hoping it is not metastatic ACC.
Twelve years later and I am still waiting for metastases to appear. I live with ACC every day even though I am supposedly “disease free”.